

Baur A, Berthold D, Bezzel A, Querengässer J, Riedemann C, Schlögl C, Völlm B. Ein Plädoyer für Empirie und Innovation in forensischer Suchtbehandlung. Forensische Psychiatrie, Psychologie, Kriminologie (2024) 18:248–250

Cerci D & Vitzthum K. Smoke-free in Psychiatry – A Qualitative Analysis of Staff Perspectives. Psychiatr Prax. 2024 Apr;51(3):157-162. doi: 10.1055/a-2184-3979. Epub 2023 Nov 21.

​​​​​​​Cerci D & Frenz C. Probleme mit Substanzkonsum? – Ihre Kammer ist für Sie da! Ärzteblatt MV 5, 2024: 180-182

Daum M, Ferra FG, Drewelow E, Walde P, Gerullis K, Kilimann I, Völlm B, Teipel S, Klein OA. Dementia Care Research and Psychosocial Factors. Alzheimers Dement. 2024 Dec;20 Suppl 4(Suppl 4):e091205. doi:10.1002/alz.091205.PMID: 39782256 

Hoffmann F, Völlm B. Neuropsychological parameters in male offenders with substance use disorders. Front Psychiatry. 2024 Oct 17;15:1476920. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2024.1476920. eCollection 2024.PMID: 39483731

Maaß C (2024): Frauenspezifische Problemlagen und Handlungsansätze im Maßregelvollzug. Kerbe – Forum für soziale Psychiatrie (4): 31-32

Pereira Ribeiro J, Juul S, Kongerslev MT, Jørgensen MS, Völlm BA, Edemann-Callesen H, Sales C, Schaug JP, Lieb K, Simonsen E, Stoffers-Winterling JM, Storebø OJ. Pharmacological interventions for co-occurring psychopathology in people with borderline personality disorder: secondary analysis of the Cochrane systematic review with meta-analyses. Br J Psychiatry. 2024 Oct 21:1-12. doi: 10.1192/bjp.2024.172. Online ahead of print.PMID: 39428384 Review.

Scheuschner L, Walde P, Völlm B. [Predictors of Early Treatment Termination in Patients Detained under §64 StGB - A Literature Review]. Psychiatr Prax. 2024 Mar;51(2):70-78. doi: 10.1055/a-2213-2184. Epub 2024 Jan 2.PMID: 38167830 German.

Scheuschner L, Völlm B (2024): Abbrecher und Patienten mit Abbruchwunsch. Recht und Psychiatrie, 42: 24-31

Tomlin J, Meise E, Wegner J, Völlm B. Mandatory substance use treatment for justice-involved persons in Germany: a systematic review of reoffending, treatment and the recurrence of substance use outcomes. Front Psychiatry. 2024 Feb 5;14:1217561. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2023.1217561. eCollection 2023.PMID: 38375516

Völlm B (2024): Niederlande: Versorgungsmodelle für ‚Long-Stay‘-Patient*innen in forensisch-psychiatrischen Settings. Forum Strafvollzug 73: 35-39

Walde P, Völlm B. [Effects of Peer Support Work in Psychiatry: A Systematic Literature Review of Reviews]. Psychiatr Prax. 2024 Dec 18. doi: 10.1055/a-2490-6896. Online ahead of print.PMID: 39694049

Zeidler R, Dudeck M, Frank U, Gerlinger G, Hesse D, Muysers J, Pollmächer T, Riedemann C, Sander J, Völlm B, Müller JL. [The situation in the German forensic commitment-Results of a survey by the DGPPN]. Nervenarzt. 2024 Jan;95(1):1-8. doi: 10.1007/s00115-023-01564-7. Epub 2023 Nov 9.PMID: 37943326



Ferra F, Drewelow E, Klein O, Daum M, Walde P, Gerullis K, Kilimann I, Tomlin J, Teipel S, Voellm B (2023): Implementation and evaluation of participatory advisory boards in mental health research: a research protocol of the ‘PART‑Beirat’ project. Research Involvement and Engagement 9:112

Tomlin J, Walker K, Yates J, Dening T, Goethals K, Völlm B, Griffiths C (2023): Care for older forensic mental health patients: A consensus guidance document. European Psychiatry 66 (1) : 1-13.

Cerci D, Völlm B (2023): Psychotherapie bei antisozialen Persönlichkeitsstörungen. Persönlichkeitsstörungen Theorie und Therapie 2 : 149-167.

Walde P, Völlm B (2023): The TRAPD Approach as a Method for Questionnaire Translation. Frontiers in Psychiatry. Frontiers in Psychiatry 14. Sec. Forensic Psychiatry.  

Brenig D, Gade P, Völlm B (2023): Is mental health staff training in de-escalation techniques effective in reducing violent incidents in forensic psychiatric settings? - A systematic review of the literature. BMC Psychiatry 23(1): 246.

Walde P, Hadala J, Peipe V, Völlm B (2023): Implementation of a Peer Support Worker in a Forensic Psychiatric Hospital in Germany – Views of Patients. Frontiers in Psychiatry 14.

Walker K, Yates J, Dening T, Völlm B, Tomlin J, Griffiths C  (2023): Quality of life, wellbeing, recovery, and progress for older forensic mental health patients: a qualitative investigation based on the perspectives of patients and staff. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Health & Well-being 18 (1): 2202978.    



Stoffers-Winterling J, Storebø O, Pereira Ribeiro J, Kongerslev M, Völlm B, Mattivi J, Faltinsen E, Todorovac A, Jørgensen M, Callesen H, Sales C, Schaug J, Simonsen E, Lieb K (2022): Pharmacological interventions for people with borderline personality disorder (Review).  Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 11: CD012956.

Howner K, Völlm B, Hedvig K (2022): Women in Psychiatry 2021: Forensic Psychiatry (Editorial). Frontiers in Psychiatry 13: 1051071.

Walker K, Yates J, Dening T, Völlm B, Tomlin J, Griffiths C (2022): Older adult forensic mental health patients’ views on barriers, facilitators and ‘what works’ to enable better quality of life, health and wellbeing and to reduce risk of reoffending and harm to self and others. East Midlands Research into Ageing Network (EMRAN) Discussion Paper Series (47). Published Online 29th April 2022.

Walker K, Furtado V, Yates J, Dening T, Völlm B, Griffiths C (2022): Systems and processes that enable progress for older forensic mental health patients. International Journal of Forensic Mental Health. Published Online 26th May 2022.

Walker K, Yates J, Dening T, Völlm B, Tomlin J, Griffiths C (2022): Staff perspectives on barriers to and facilitators of quality of life, health, wellbeing, recovery and reduced risk for older forensic mental-health patients: a qualitative interview study. Journal of Health Services Research & Policy 27 (4): 287-300.

Völlm B, Tomlin J, Walde P (2022): Protocol for the CONNECT Study: A national database and prospective follow-up study of German forensic mental health patients. Frontiers in psychiatry, Section Forensic Psychiatry 13: 827272.Völlm B, Tomlin J, Walde P (2022): Protocol for the CONNECT Study: A national database and prospective follow-up study of German forensic mental health patients. Frontiers in psychiatry, Section Forensic Psychiatry 13: 827272.

Stoffers-Winterling JM, Storebø' OJ, Kongerslev MT, Faltinsen EG, Todorovac A, Jørgensen MS, Sales C, Callesen HE,  Ribeiro JP, Völlm B, Lieb K, Simonsen E (2022): Psychotherapies for borderline personality disorder: a focused systematic review and meta-analysis. British Journal of Psychiatry 221 (3): 538-552.

Di Lorito C, Völlm B (2022): Older people as victims and perpetrators of crime. Edited by Dening, T, Thomas, A, Stewart, R, Taylor, J. New Edition Oxford Textbook of Old Age Psychiatry- Chapter 55: 1-3. Third Edition. 


Tomlin J, Völlm B (2021): Forensic Mental Health in Europe: Shared legal heritage and contemporary landscape. Health Science in Eastern Europe 31 (7): 146-152.

Tomlin J., Jordan M. (2021) : Strength- and Recovery-Based Approaches in Forensic Psychiatry in Late Modernity: Implementing with Human Rights? Social Theory & Health 20: 398-415.

Gosek P, Kotowska J, Rowińska-Garbień E, Bartczak D, Tomlin J & Heitzman, J (2021): Longer than prison? A comparison of length of stay in a medium security hospital and prison for perpetrators of violent crimes other than homicide or attempted homicide. Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health 31 (3): 162-170.

Völlm B, Cerci D (2021): Suchtbehandlung im Maßregelvollzug: Narrativer Review. Suchtmedizin 23 (2): 90-98.

Stoffers-Winterling J, Völlm B, Lieb K (2021): Is pharmacotherapy useful for treating personality disorders? Expert Opinion On Pharmacotherapy 4 (22): 393-395.

Sebold M, Garbusow M, Cerci D, Chen K, Sommer C, Huys Q, Nebe S, Rapp M, Veer I, Zimmermann U, Smolka M, Walter H, Heinz A, Friedel E (2021): Association of the OPRM1 A118G polymorphism and Pavlovian-to-instrumental transfer: Clinical relevance for alcohol dependence. Journal of Psychopharamacology 35 (5): 566-578.

Walker K, Griffith C, Yates J, Völlm B (2021): Service provision for older forensic mental health patients: A scoping review of the literature. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology 32 (1): 29-50.


Kumar J, Iwabuchi S, Völlm B, Palaniyappan L (2020): Oxytocin modulates the effective connectivity between the precuneus and the DLPFC. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience 270  (5): 567-576.

Wettermann A, Völlm B, Schläfke D (2020): Highly Structured Treatment Programs for Addicted Offenders: Comparing the Effects of the Reasoning & Rehabilitation Program and DBT-F. Frontiers in Psychiatry11: 499241.

Abdalla-Filho E, Völlm B (2020): Does every psychopath have an antisocial personality disorder? Brazilian Journal of Psychiatry 42 (3): 241-242.

Yang CC, Maurer L, Völlm B, Khalifa N (2020): The Effects of Non-invasive Brain Stimulation on Impulsivity in People with Mental Disorders: a Systematic Review and Explanatory Meta-Analysis. Neuropsychology Review 30 (4): 499-520.

Gibbon S, Khalifa NR, Cheung NH-Y, Völlm B, McCarthy L (2020): Psychological interventions for antisocial personality disorder. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 9 (9): CD007668.

Holley J, Weaver T, Völlm B (2020): The experience of long-stay in high and medium secure psychiatric hospitals in the UK: qualitative study of the patient perspective. International Journal of Mental Health Systems 14: 25.

Kasmi Y, Duggan C, Völlm B (2020): A comparison of long-term medium secure patients within NHS and private and charitable sector units in England. Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health 30 (1): 38-49.

Khalifa J, Talbot E, Barber S, Schneider J, Bird Y, Attfiel J, Bater P, Walker D-M, Völlm B (2020): A Feasibility Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial of Individual Placement and Support (IPS) for Patients With Offending Histories. Frontiers in Psychiatry 10: 952.

Khalifa N, Gibbon S, Völlm B, Cheung N, McCarthy L (2020): Pharmacological interventions for antisocial personality disorder. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 3 (9): CD007667.

Opitz-Welke A, Konrad N, Völlm B (2020): Caring for Those Who are Neglected and Forgotten: Psychiatry in Prison Environments (Editorial). Frontiers. Published Online 31th March 2020.

Rabab, S, Tomlin J, Huband N, Völlm B (2020): Care Quality Commission inspections of high-security hospitals. Journal of Forensic Practice. Published Online 3rd March 2020.

Senn D, Bulten E, Tomlin J, Völlm B (2020): A Comparison of English and Dutch Long-Stay Patients in Forensic Psychiatric Care. Frontiers in Psychiatry 11:574247.

Storebø OJ, Stoffers-Winterling JM, Völlm B, Kongerslev MT, Mattivi JT, Jørgensen MS, Faltinsen E, Todorovac A, Sales CP, Callesen HE, Lieb K, Simonsen E. (2020): Psychological therapies for people with borderline personality disorder. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 5: CD012955.

Tomlin J (2020): The climate crisis and forensic mental healthcare: what are we doing? BJPsych Bulletin 7: 1–3. doi: 10.1192/bjb.2020.36​

Tomlin J (2020): What does social distancing mean for patients in forensic mental health settings? Forensic Science International: Mind and Law. Published online 5th May 2020.

Tomlin J, Bartlett, P, Völlm B, Furtado, V, & Egan, V (2020): Perceptions of Restrictiveness in Forensic Mental Health: Do Demographic, Clinical, and Legal Characteristics Matter? International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology: 64 (9): 994-1012.

Tomlin J, Bartlett P, Furtado V, Egan V, Völlm B (2020): An item response theory analysis of the Forensic Restrictiveness Questionnaire (FRQ). The Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology: 31 (4): 503-519.

Tomlin J (2020): Book review: forensic psychiatry and psychology in Europe: a cross-border study guide. The Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology 31 (4): 639-641. 

Tomlin J, Dalgleish-Warburton B, Lamph G (2020): Psychosocial Support for Healthcare Workers During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Front. Psychol. 11:1960. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01960 

Tomlin J, Lega I, Braun P, Kennedy HG, Tort Herrando V, Barroso R, Castelletti L, Mirabella F, Scarpa F, Völlm B & the experts of COST Action IS1302 (2020): Forensic mental health in Europe: some key figures. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol 56: 109–117.

Traub HJ, Tomlin J, Weithmann G, Flammer E, Völlm B (2020): Court Sentences to Forensic-Psychiatric Treatment and Imprisonment in Germany: Types of Crimes and Changes from 1995 to 2009’. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 71: 101577.

Walde P, Lungwitz V (2020): Rückfallbegünstigende und rückfallprotektive Faktoren nach der Entlassung aus dem Maßregelvollzug. Forensische Psychiatrie, Psychologie, Kriminologie 14: 344–353.

Yang CC, Mauer L,Völlm B, Khalifa N (2020): The Effects of Non-invasive Brain Stimulation on Impulsivity in People with Mental Disorders: a Systematic Review and Explanatory Meta-Analysis. Neuropsychol Rev 30 (4): 499-520.

Khalifa N, Hadfield S, Thomson L, Talbot E, Bird Y, Schneider J, Attfield J, Völlm B, Bates P, Walker D-M (2020): Barriers and facilitators to the implementation of individual placement and support (IPS) for patients with offending histories in the community: The United Kingdom experience. British Journal of Occupational Therapy. Published Online 5th November.  


Mottershead, T., Khalifa, N., Völlm B (2019): A mixed methods examination of patient feedback in forensic and non-forensic mental healthcare services. The Journal of Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology 31 (1): 106-122.

Niveau G, Godet T, Völlm B (2019): What does impartiality mean in medico-legal psychiatry? An international survey. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 66: 101505.

Baliousis M, Duggan C, McCarthy L, Huband N, Völlm B (2019): Executive function, attention, and memory deficits in antisocial personality disorder and psychopathy. Psychiatry Research 278, 151-161.

Di Lorito C, Tore M, Kaufmann RAW, Needham I, Völlm B (2019): Staff views around sexual expression in forensic psychiatric settings: a comparison study between United Kingdom and German-speaking countries. The Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology 31: 222-240.

DiLorito C, Dening T, Völlm B(2019): Ageing in forensic psychiatric secure settings: the views of members of staff. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology 30 (2): 270-285.

Di Lorito C, Völlm B, Dening T (2019): The characteristics and needs of older forensic psychiatric patients: a cross-sectional study in secure units within one UK regional service. The Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology , Vol. 30 (6): 975-992.

Gedeon T, Parry J and Völlm B (2019): The Role of Oxytocin in Antisocial Personality Disorders: A Systematic Review of the Literature. Frontiers in Psychiatry 10: 76.

Marsden J, Glazebrook C, Rully R, Völlm B (2019): Do adult males with antisocial personality disorder (with and without co-morbid psychopathy) have deficits in emotion processing and empathy? Systematic review Journal: Aggression and Violent Behavior 48: 197-217.

Mottershead T, Khalifa N, Völlm B ( 2019): A mixed-methods examination of patient feedback within forensic and non-forensic mental healthcare services. The Journal of Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology 31: 106-122.

Passow D(2019): Sucht und Delinquenz. Forensische Psychiatrie, Psychologie, Kriminologie (13): 233-238.

Sampson S, Foster S, Majid S, Völlm B (2019): Carers of Long-Stay Patients’ Perspectives of Secure Forensic Care: An Exploratory Qualitative Study. International Journal of Forensic Mental Health 18 (4): 305-315.

Tomlin J (2019): Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity and the Recovery Paradigm: Are they compatible? Journal of Recovery in Mental Health 2 (2-3): 45-54.

Tomlin J, Egan V, Bartlett P, Völlm B (2019): What Do Patients Find Restrictive About Forensic Mental Health Services? A Qualitative Study, International Journal of Forensic Mental Health. International Journal of Forensic Mental Health Service 19: 44-56.

Tomlin J, Völlm B, Furtado V, Egan V, Bartlett P (2019). The Forensic Restrictiveness Questionnaire: Development, Validation and Revision. Frontiers in Psychiatry: Frontiers in Psychiatry 10: 805.

Völlm B (2019): How long is (too) long? BJPsych Bulletin 43 (4): 151-153.

Völlm B, Craissati J, Grubin D, Skett S (2019): Learning from research: Adapting interventions for sexual offending to improve outcomes. Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health29 (4): 227-238.

Weithmann G, Traub H-J, Flammer E, Völlm B (2019): Comparison of offenders in forensic-psychiatric treatment or prison in Germany. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 66:101502.


Tomlin J, Bartlett P, Völlm B (2018): Experience of restrictiveness in forensic psychiatric care: Systematic Literature review and Concept Analysis. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 57: 31-41.

Beryl R, Völlm B (2018):. Attitudes to personality disorder of staff working in high-security and medium-security hospitals. Personal Ment Health 12 (1): 25-37.

Beryl R, Davies J, Völlm B (2018): Lived Experience of Working with female Patients in a High Secure Mental Health Setting. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing 27: 82-91.

Yang CC, Khalifa N, Völlm B (2018): The effects of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation on empathy: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Psychological Medicine 48 (5): 737-750.

Yang CC, Khalifa N, Völlm B (2018): Excitatory repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation applied to the right inferior frontal gyrus has no effect on impulsivity in healthy adults. Behav Brain Res 347: 1-7.

Yang CC, Völlm B, Khalifa N (2018): The effects of rTMS on impulsivity in adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Neuropsychology Review. Neuropsychol Rev 28 (3): 377-392.

Yang CC, Khalifa N, Landkappa S, Völlm B(2018): Effects of intermittent theta burst stimulation applied to the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex on empathy and impulsivity in healthy adult males. Brain and Cognitive 128: 37-45.

Chester V, Völlm B, Tromans S, Kapugama C, Alexander RT (2018): Long-stay patients with and without intellectual disability in forensic psychiatric settings: Comparison of characteristics and needs. BrJPsych Open 4 (4): 226-234.

Di Lorito,Völlm B, Dening T (2018): Ageing patients in forensic psychiatric settings: A review of the literature. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 33 (12):1548-55.

Di Lorito C, Völlm B, Denning T (2018): The individual experience of ageing prisoners: systematic review and meta-synthesis through a Good Lives Model framework. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 33 (2): 252-262.

Di Lorito, Dening T,Völlm B (2018): Ageing in forensic psychiatric secure settings: the views of members staff. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology 30: 270-285.

Edworthy E, Majid S, Völlm B (2018): English vs Dutch high secure hospitals: service user perspectives. The Journal of Forensic Practice 20 (2): 112-121.

Hare Duke L, Furtado V, Guo F, Völlm B (2018) Long-stay in forensic-psychiatric care in the UK. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol 53 (3): 313- 321.

Huband N, Furtado V, Schel S, Eckert M, Cheung N, Bulten E, Völlm B (2018): Characteristics and Needs of Long-stay Forensic Psychiatric Inpatient: A Rapid Review of the Literature. International Journal of Forensic Mental Health 17 (1): 45-60.

Nigel SM, Dudeck M, Otte S, Knauer K, Klein V, Böttcher T, Maaß Ch, Vasic N, Streb J (2018): Psychopathy, the Big Five and empathy as predictors of violence in a forensic sample of substance abusers. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology 29 (6): 882-900.

O`Donovan R, Völlm B (2018): Klinefelter´s Syndrome and Sexual Offending: A literature review and case report. Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health. 28 (2): 132-140.

Patel MX/Sethi FN, Barnes TRE, Dix R, Dratcu L, Fox B, Garriga M, Haste JC, Kahl KG, Lingford-Hughes A, McAllister-Williams H, O’Brien A, Parker C, Paterson B, Paton C, Posporelis S, Taylor DM, Vieta E, VöllmB, Wilson-Jones C, Woods L, (2018): Joint BAP NAPICU evidence-based consensus guidelines for the clinical management of acute disturbance: de-escalation and rapid tranquillisation. J Psychopharmacol 32 (6): 601-640.

Stoffers-Winterling J, Storebø OJ, Völlm B, Mattivi JT, Nielsen SS, Kielsholm ML, Faltinsen EG, Simonsen E, Lieb K (2018): Pharmacological interventions for people with borderline personality disorder (Protocol). Cochrane Library (2): CD012956: 1-24.

Storebø OJ, Stoffers-Winterling J, Völlm B, Kongerslev MT, Mattivi JT, Kielsholm ML, Nielsen SS, Jørgensen MP, Faltinsen EG, Lieb K, Simonsen E (2018): Psychological therapies for people with borderline personality disorder (Protocol). Cochrane Library (2): CD012955.

Tomlin J, Bartlett P, Völlm B (2018): Experiences of restrictiveness of Forensic Psychiatric Care: Systematic Literature review and Concept Analysis. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 57: 31-41.

Völlm B, Clarke M, Bulten E, Tort V, Seppanen A, Gosek P, Hietzmann J (2018):. European Psychiatric Association (EPA) guidance on forensic psychiatry: Evidence based assessment and treatment of mentally disordered offenders.European Psychiatry 51: 58-73.

Völlm B, Edworthy R, Huband N, Talbot E, Majid S, Holley J, Furtado V, Weaver T, McDonald R, Duggan C (2018): Characteristics and pathways of long-stay patients in high and medium secure settings in England: Results from a multicentre, cross-sectional study. Frontiers in Psychiatry 9: 140.

Völlm B (2018): Umgang mit Sexualstraftätern in England und Wales: Vollzugsformen und Behandlungsansätze (Management of sexual offenders in England and Wales: forms of detention and treatment approaches). Forensische Psychiatrie, Psychologie, Kriminologie 12: 319-328.


Brown S, Beeley C, Patel G, Völlm B (2017): Training Probation Officers in Case Formulation for Personality Disordered Offenders: Crim Behav Ment Health 28 (1): 50-60.

Clarke M, Warwick L, Völlm B (2017): Circles of Support and Accountability: The Characteristics of Core members in England and Wales. Crim Behav Ment Health 27 (2): 191-206.

DiLorito C, Castelletti LT,  Tripi G, Gandellini MG, Dening T, Völlm B (2017): The individual experience of ageing patients and the current service provision in the context of Italian forensic-psychiatry: A case-study. Journal of Forensic Nursing 13:118-125.

Di Lorito, Dening T, Völlm B (2018): Ageing in forensic psychiatric secure settings: the views of members staff. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology 30: 270-285

DiLoreto, Castelletti, L, Lega, I, Gualco, B, Scarpa, F, Völlm B (2017): The closing of forensic-psychiatric hospitals in Italy: determinants, current status and future perspectives. A scoping review. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 55: 54-63.

DiLorito C, Völlm B, Denning T (2017): Psychiatric disorders among older prisoners: a systematic review and comparison study against older people in the community. Aging and Mental Health 22: 1-10.

DiLorito, Völlm B, Dening T (2017): Ageing in forensic psychiatric secure settings: The voice of older patients. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology 29:934-960.

Elliott E, Völlm B (2017): The Utility of Post-Conviction Polygraph Testing among Sexual Offenders: A Systematic Review. Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment 30 (4): 367-392.

Kamavarapu Y, Ferriter M, Morton S, Völlm B (2017): Institutional abuse - Characteristics of victims, perpetrators and organisations: A systematic review. Eur Psychiatry 40: 45-54.

Kerr N, Tully R,Völlm B (2017): Circles of Support and Accountability for Sex Offenders: A Systematic Review of Outcomes. A Journal of Research and Treatment 29 (5): 446-478.

McDonald R, Furtado V, Völlm B (2017): Medicine, madness and murderers: The context of English forensic psychiatric hospitals. Journal of Health Organisation and Management 31 (5): 598-611.

Subramanian S, Huband N, Völlm B (2017): Clozapine dose for schizophrenia. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (6): 1-63.

Talbot E, Völlm B, Khalifa N (2017): Effectiveness of Work skills programmes for offenders with mental disorders: A Systematic Review. Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health 27: 40-58.

Völlm B, Foster S, Bates P, Huband N (2017): How best to engage users of forensic services in research: literature review and recommendations. International Journal of Forensic Mental Health 16 (2): 183-195.


Brown S, Völlm B (2016): the implementation of case formulation by Probation Officers: Service user and carer views. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology 27: 215-231.

Dutta, S, Majid S, Völlm B (2016): Experiences of nursing staff working with long-stay patients in a high secure psychiatric hospital setting. Journal of Forensic Nursing 12: 111-119.

Edworthy R, Sampson S, Völlm B (2016): Inpatient forensic-psychiatric care: Legal frameworks and service provision in three European countries. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 29: 18-27.

Höing MA, Petrina R, Hare L,Völlm B, Vogelvag B (2016): Community Support for Sex Offender Rehabilitation in Europe. European Journal of Criminolgy 13: 491-516.

Khalifa N, Talbot E, Schneider J, Walker DM, Bates P, Bird Y, Davies D, Brookes C, Hall J, Völlm B (2016): Individual placement and support (IPS) for patients with offending histories the IPSO feasibility cluster randomised trial. BMJ Open 6 (7).

Maaß Ch,Schläfke D (2016): Patientinnen im Maßregelvollzug nach § 64 StGB in Deutschland. Forensische Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie 23(3): 303-314.

Maaß Ch, Wettermann A, Schläfke D (2016): Behandlung und Rückfälligkeit bei entlassenen Tötungsdelinquenten aus der Forensischen Psychiatrie nach § 64 StGB. Fortschritte der Neurologie Psychiatrie, 2: 67-70.

Maaß Ch, Schläfke D, Fegert JM (2016): Rückfälligkeit bei Jugendlichen und Heranwachsenden nach Entlassung aus der Entziehungsmaßregel. Nervenheilkunde, 35: 131-136.

McDonald R, Furtado V, Völlm B (2016): Managing madness, murderers and paedophiles: Understanding change in the field of English forensic psychiatry. Soc Sci Med 164: 12-18.

Passow D, Prinz E, Wedler K, Maaß C, Bordel U, Schläfke D (2016): Legalbewährung und Konsumverhalten bei Probanden der forensischen Nachsorge nach Unterbringung in einer Entziehungsanstalt (§ 64 StGB). Suchttherapie 17: 90-95.

Sharpe R, Völlm B, Ramneesh P, Bickle A (2016): Transfers from prison to hospital under Sections 47 and 48 of the Mental Health Act between 2011 and 2014. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology 4: 459-475.

Sampson S, Edworthy R, Völlm B (2016): Provisions for long-term forensic-psychiatric care: An international comparison of 18 European countries. International Journal of Forensic Mental Health 15: 333-351.

Thomas A, Winder B, Völlm B (2016): Religious conversion among high security hospital patients: A qualitative analysis of patients´accounts and experiences. Mental Health, Religion and Culture 19: 240-254.

Tiwana R, McDonald S, Völlm B (2016): Policies on sexual expression in forensic psychiatric settings in different Europeans countries. International Journal of Menta Health Systems 10: 1-11.

Völlm B, Bartlett P, McDonald R (2016): Ethical issues of long-term forensic psychiatric care. Ethics, Medicine and Public Health 2: 36-44.


Baliousis M, Duggan C, Völlm B (2015): Development and Validation of a Schedule to Evaluate Treatment Progress of Personality Disordered Offenders in Secure Healthcare, Personality and Mental Health 9: 107-123.

Clarke M, Brown S, Völlm B (2015): Circles of Support and Accountability for Sex Offenders. A Systematic Review of Outcomes. Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment 1-33.

Kumar J, Völlm B, Palaniyappan L (2015): Oxytocin affects the connectivity of the precuneues and the amygdala: A randomized double-blinded placebo controlled neuroimaging trial. International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology 18: 1-7.

Wettermann A, Schläfke D, Gerullis L, Fegert JM (2015): Die Nachhaltigkeit der Veränderung kriminogener Faktoren durch das R & R-Training im Maßrgelvollzug nach § 64 StGB. Forens Psychiat Psychther, 22: 31-51.


Beryl R, Chou C, Völlm B (2014): A Systematic Review of Psychopathy in Women within Secure Settings. Personality and Individual Differences 71: 185-195.

Konrad N, Völlm B (2014): Forensic Psychiatric Expert Witnessing within the criminal justice system in Germany. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 37: 149-154.

Reniers, RLP, Völlm B, Elliott R, Corcoran R (2014): Empathy, ToM, and self-other differentiation: An fMRI study of internal states. Social neuroscience 9: 50-62.

Völlm B, Panesar K, Carley K (2014): Promoting work-related activities in a high secure setting: exploration of staff and patients view. The Importance of work: Staff and patient views in a high secure hospital. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology 25: 26-43.

Völlm B (2014): Case formulation in personality disordered offenders - A Delphi survey of professionals. Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health 24: 60-80.


Baliousis M, Banerjee P, Duggan C, Völlm B (2013): Autistic spectrum disorder, personality disorder and reading disability: A complex case that falls between the cracks? Journal of Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology 2: 286-292.

Brown S, Völlm B (2013): Case formulation in personality disordered offenders: Views from the front line formulation. Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health 23: 263-73.

Hui A, Middleton H, Völlm B (2013): Coercive measures in forensic settings: Findings from the literature. International Journal of Forensic Mental Health 12: 53-67.

Prehn K, Schlagenhauf F, Schulze L, Berger Chr, Vohs K, Fleischer M, Hauenstein K, Keiper P, Domes G, Herpertz S.C. (2013): Neural correlates of risk and uncertainty in violent criminal offenders with psychopathy and borderline personality disorder. Social neuroscience 8(2): 136-147.

Robertson K, Elcock S, Milburn C, Annesley P, Jones J, Völlm B (2013): An Evaluation of the Staff Training within the Trauma and Self Injury (TASI) Programme in the National High Secure Healthcare Service for Women (NHSHSW) at Rampton Hospital. British Journal of Forensic Practice 15: 141-150.

Völlm B, Bickle A, Gibbon S (2013): Incidents of hostage-taking in an English high secure hospital. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology 24: 16-30.

Völlm B (2013): Umgang mit gefährlichen Straftätern in England & Wales: Gesetzliche Grundlagen und Probleme in der Praxis. Forensische Psychiatrie, Psychologie und Kriminologie 7: 84-93.

Zinkler M, Völlm B (2013): Die Distanz der Psychiater zu ihren Patienten. Editorial Recht & Psychiatrie 31: 122.


Boysen A, Kupke F, Wedler K, Schläfke, D (2012): Psychisch kranke Straftäter im Jugend- und Heranwachsendenalter. Forens Psychiat Psychother 19: 300-317.

Passow D, Bolz M (2012): Die prämenstruelle dysphorische Störung (PMDS) als eigenständiges Krankheitsbild. Fortschr Neurol Psychiatr, 80. Jg., Nr. 07: 382-387.

Pein A, Kliemann A, Schläfke D, Kupke F, Wettermann A,Tardel D, Fegert JM (2012): Profitieren dissoziale Suchtpatienten von der DBT-F? Nervenheilkunde, 31: 30-35.

Reniers RLEP, Corcoran R, Shryane NM, Drake R, Völlm B (2011): The QCAE: A questionnaire of Cognitive and Affective Empathy. Journal of Personality Assessment, 93: 84-95.

Reniers R, Corcoran R, Völlm B, Howard R, Liddle PF (2012): Moral decision-making, self referential mental processing and the default mode network. Biological Psychology 90: 202-210.

Stoffers JM, Völlm B, Rücker G, Timmer A, Huband N, Lieb K (2012): Psychological interventions for borderline personality disorder. Cochrane Library 8: CD005652.

Taylor PJ, Graf M, Chanda H, Völlm B (2012): The psychiatrist as expert in the courts: is it necessary or possible to separate the roles of physician and expert? Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health 22: 271-292.

Völlm B, Chadwick K, Abdel Razek T, Smith J (2012): Prescribing of psychotropic medication for personality disordered patients in secure forensic settings. Journal of Forensisc Psychiatry and Psychology 23: 200-216.

Völlm B, Konappa N (2012): the DSPD experiment - A literature review of empirical research. Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health 22: 165-180.

Wettermann A, Schläfke D, Kupke F, Fegert JM (2012): Beeinflusst das R&R-Programm neuropsychologische Aspekte bei Straftätern? Nervenheilkunde, 31: 36-41.

Wettermann A, Schläfke D, Fegert JM (2012): The modification of crimnogenic factors on addicted offenders - The effectiveness of the Reasoning and Rehabilitation programm. Int J Law Psychiat, 35: 202-206.


Frei A, Schönmeier L, Graf M, Völlm B (2011): Homizid-Suizid und tödliche häusliche Gewalt in der Region Basel im Vergleich. Psychiatrische Praxis 38: 287-292.

Gibbon S, Völlm B, Duggan C, Khalifa C, Stoffers JM, Huband N, Ferriter M, Lieb K (2011): Pharmacological and Psychological Interventions for Antisocial Personality Disorder - Results of Two Cochran Reviews. European Psychiatric Review 4: 48-54.

Keller F, Kliemann A, Karanedialkova D, Schnoor K, Schütt U, Keiper P, Kölch M, Fegert JM, Schläfke D (2011): Beurteilerübereinstimmung im Forensischen Operationalisierten Therapie-Risiko-Evaluation-System. Nervenheilkunde 10: 813-817.

McKie S, Richardson P, Elliott R, Völlm B, Dolan MC, Williams SR, Anderson IM, Deakin JFW (2011): Mirtazapine antagonizes the subjective, hormonal and neuronal effects of m-chlorophenylpiperazine (mCPP) infusion: a pharmacological-challenge fMRI (fMRI) study. Neuroimage 58: 497-507.

Völlm B (2011): Neurobiologische Korrelate der Verarbeitung von Feedback bei antisozialer Persönlichkeitsstörung. Nervenheilkunde 30: 394-400.


Gibbon S, Duggan C, Stoffers JM, Huband N, Völlm B, Ferriter M, Lieb K (2010): Psychological interventions for antisocial personality disorder. Cochrane Library, Jun 16; 6: CD007668.

Habermeyer E,Passow D, Vohs K (2010): Is psychopathy elevated among criminal offenders who are under preventive detention pursuant to Section 66 of the German Penal Code? Behavioral Sciences & the Law, 28 (2): 267-276.

Khalifa N, Duggan C, Lieb K, Stoffers JM, Huband N, Völlm B, Ferriter M (2010): Pharmacological interventions for antisocial personality disorder. Cochrane Library Aug 4; 8: CD007667.

Lieb K, Völlm B, Rücker G, Timmer A, Stoffers JM (2010): Pharmacotherapy for Borderline Personality Disorder. Cochrane systematic review of randomized trials. British Journal of Psychiatry 196: 4-12.

Stoffers JM, Völlm B, Rücker G, Timmer A, Huband N, Lieb K (2010): Pharmacological interventions for borderline personality disorder. Cochrane Library: Issue 6: CD005653.

Völlm B, Richardson P, McKie S, Reniers R, Elliott R, Anderson I, Williams S, Dolan M, Deakin B (2010): Neuronal correlates and serotonergic modulation of behavioural inhibition and reward in healthy and antisocial individuals. Journal of Psychiatric Research 44: 123-131.

Völlm B (2010): Pilotprojekt für Menschen mit schweren Persönlichkeitsstörungen gescheitert? Editorial Recht & Psychiatrie 28: 122.

Wilson C, Bateman A, Völlm B (2010): Circles of Support and Accountability: An innovative approach to manage high-risk offenders in the community. Open Criminology Journal 3: 48-57.


Dolan M, Völlm B (2009): antisocial personality disorder and psychopathy in women: A literature review on the reliability and validity of assessment instruments. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 32: 2-9.

Habermeyer E, Passow D, Puhlmann P, Vohs K, Herpertz S (2009): Sexual offenders in preventive detention - data concerning the inmates and expert witness practice. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 53 (4): 373-384.

Patterson H, Reniers R, Völlm B (2009): Personality types and mental health experiences of those who volunteer for helplines. British Journal of Guidance and Counselling 37: 459-471.

Völlm B, Zhao L, Richardson P, Clark L, Deakin JFW, Williams S, Dolan M (2009): A voxel-based MRI study in male borderline personality disordered subjects. Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health 19:64-72.

Völlm B (2009): Assessment and Management of Dangerous and Severe Personality Disorders. Current Opinion in Psychiatry 22: 501-506.

Völlm B, Dolan M (2009): Self harm among UK female prisoners: A cross-sectional study. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry and Psychotherapy 5:741-751.

Völlm B, Daley A, Silva E (2009): Waiting times at a high security hospital - A survey of the process from referral to admission at Ashworth Hospital. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry and Psychotherapy 20: 702-716.


Habermeyer E, Puhlmann P,Passow D, Vohs K (2008): Die Massregel der Sicherungsverwahrung: Empirische Befunde zu den Insassen und der psychiatrischen Gutachtenpraxis. Fortschr Neurol Psychiatr 76 (11): 672-677.

Schalast N, Völlm B (2008): Editorial: Antiandrogene Medikation zwischen Strafe, Körperverletzung und Behandlungsversuch. Recht & Psychiatrie 26: 186.


Gravier B, Völlm B (2007): Gesetzliche Grundlagen der Unterbringung und Behandlung psychisch Kranker sowie psychisch gestörter Rechtsbrecher in Frankreich. Psychiatrische Praxis 34: 97-99.

Habermeyer E, Puhlmann P, Passow D, Vohs K (2007): Kriminologische und diagnostische Merkmal von Häftlingen mit angeordneter Sicherungsverwahrung. Monatsschrift für Krimologie und Strafrechtsreform, 90. Jg., 4: 317-330.

Putkonen H, Völlm B (2007): Looking beyond one´s own nose: Compulsory psychiatric detention and treatment in Finland. Psychiatric Bulleton 31: 101-103.

Völlm B, Schanda H, Hänggi S, Zinkler M (2007): Menschenrechte in der Psychiatrie - die Empfehlungen des Europarats im Vergleich mit den zivil- und strafrechtlichen Grundlagen psychiatrischer Zwangsmaßnahmen in Österreich, Deutschland und der Schweiz. Recht & Psychiatrie 25: 132-140.

Völlm B, Richardson P, McKie S, Elliott R, Dolan M, Deakin JFW (2007): Neuronal correlates of reward and loss in Cluster B personality disorder: A functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging 156: 151-167.


Frei A, Völlm B, Graf M, Dittmann V (2006): Female serial killing - Review and case report. Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health 3: 167-176.

Elliott, R, Völlm B, Drury A, McKie S, Richardson P, Deakin JFW (2006): Cooperation with another player in a rewarded guessing game activates regions implicated in theory of mind. Socieal Neuroscience 1: 385-396.

Völlm B, Taylor ANW, Richardson P, Corcoran R, Stirling J, McKie S, Deakin B, Elliott R (2006): Neuronal Correlates of Theory of Mind and Empathy: A Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study in a Nonverbal Task. NeuroImage 29: 90-98.

Völlm B, Richardson P, McKie S, Deakin B, Elliott R, Anderson I (2006): Serotonergic Modulation of Neuronal Responses to Behavioural Inhibition and Reinforcing Stimuli: An fMRI Study in Healthy Volunteers. European Journal of Neuroscience 23: 552-560.

Völlm B, Jamieson L, Taylor P (2006): What´s in a name? Reasons for changing names among English high security hospital patients. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry and Psychotherapy 17: 37-52.


Häßler F, Keiper P, Schläfke D (2004): Maßregelvollzug für Jugendliche. ZJJ 1: 24-29.

Völlm B, Becker H, Kunstmann W (2004): Die Prävalenz körperlicher Erkrankungen, Gesundheitsverhalten und die Nutzung des Gesundheitssystems bei alleinstehenden wohnungslosen Männern: Eine Querschnittsuntersuchung. Sozial- und Präventivmedizin 49: 42-50.

Völlm B (2004): Trends in der Gesetzgebung zur Unterbringung psychisch Kranker und im Massregelrecht in England und Wales. Rechts & Psychiatrie (Law & Psychiatry) 22:18-22.

Völlm B, Richardson P, Stirling J, Elliott R, Dolan M, Chaudhry I, McKie S, Anderson I, Deakin B (2004): Neurobiological substrates of antisocial and borderline personality disorder - prliminary results of a functional fMRI study. Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health 14: 39-55.

Völlm B, Becker H, Kunstmann W (2004): Psychiatrische Morbidität bei alleinstehenden wohnungslosen Männern - eine Querschnittsuntersuchung. Psychiatrische Praxis 31: 236-41.

Völlm B, de Araujo IE, Cowen PJ, Rolls ET, Kringelbach ML, Smith KA, Jezzard P, Heal RJ, Matthews P (2004: Methamphetamine Activates Reward Circuitry in Drug Naive Human Subjects. Neuropsychopharmacology 29: 1715-22.


Harmer CJ, Bhagwagar Z, Perrett DI, Völlm B, Cowen PJ, Boodwin GM (2003: Acute SSRI Administration Affects the Processin of Social Cues in Healthy Volunteers. Neuropsychopharmacology 28: 148-152.


Völlm B, Jamieson L, Gordon H, Taylor P (2002): Name change among offender patients. Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health 12: 269-82.


Völlm B (2001): Audit of prescribing patterns of antidepressants in a psychiatric patient population. Journal of Clinical Effectiveness 3: 79-81.