
Our forensic-psychiatric hospital opened on 16th March 2001 as the third such hospital in the federal state of Mecklenburg-West Pomerania. The hospital is part of the Centre for psychiatry and Neurology and is located in a suburb of Rostock, Gehlsdorf. We offer treatment to 100 patients, mainly those who have committed offences in the context of a substance misuse problem. In addition, we treat patients with psychotic and personality disorders and 10 beds are dedicated to the treatment of young people who have committed offences in the context of a mental disorder.
Treatment is provided on different wards: admission, treatment, rehabilitation, and one ward for young people. Our main task, according to the German criminal law, is the detention and treatment of mentally disordered offenders. We treat mainly offenders with substance misuse disorders (§ 64 of the German criminal code), who stay for 2 - 3 years. Both, the treatment of the offender and the protection of others, are pillars in our work.
In order to meet the complex treatment needs of our patients, we use a range of different interventions, aimed to treat the mental disorder, understand the offending behaviour and reduce the risk of future offending. We work mainly cognitive behaviourally, individually and in groups. Specific treatment modalities include DBT-F (adapted version of dialectical-behavioural therapy for forensic settings), R & R ("Reasoning § Rehabilitation"), social skills training and groups for patients with substance abuse. In addition, we offer occupational and work therapy, relaxation and sport therapy.
Our staff contribute to the teaching activities of the university and supervision of doctoral and other students.